September 6, 2005 - RENSSELAER, NY– Thomas A. Dempsey, president of Vision Data today announced commitments or gone live in the last 90 days by five separate newspaper companies in five states to run their newspapers on Total Advertising systems designed, produced and supported by Vision Data Equipment Corporation.
Salisbury, NC – The Salisbury Post, (23,000 daily) purchased a complete Vision Total Advertising system for both Display and Classified Advertising as well as a Vision Classified Pagination license. The 18-user advertising system will handle all of their advertising needs as well as interface to their existing Ad-tracking to track ad production. Additionally, they are installing the Vision Circulation Management system to manage the sales and distribution of their papers. The Circulation Management module also includes the EFT (Electronic Funds Transfer) module which facilitates direct (EZ-Pay) withdrawal from a subscriber’s bank account or credit card to pay for their subscription. The Circulation Management system will also be linked directly into the Total Advertising, to provide total customer service. (A classified rep can see immediately whether a customer is a subscriber and sell them a subscription or a circulation rep can sell a classified, or a single staff can be trained to sell and have access to both applications from a single screen).
Farmingdale, NY – South Bay’s Official Shopping Newspaper (174,000 free weekly, in 10 community editions) purchased a new Sun Microsystems server and upgraded from an older character-based version of the Vision Data system they had been using for several years to a six-user Vision Total Advertising System, including both Display Advertising Sales and Classified. The Vision Total Advertising system will provide the capability to sell the entire product or any of the 10 editions in any combination and advertiser might want. They also purchased the Vision Retail Ad Layout program as well as the Vision Classified Pagination system to allow them to fully produce the papers electronically.
Carroll, IA – The Daily Times Herald (6,500 daily) has purchased a new Sun Microsystems server, new Vision Circulation Management system and a complete Vision Total Advertising system for their privately-owned daily newspaper. Ann Wilson, business manager of the Daily News Herald commented, after the initial installation of the Vision Circulation Management system, that “We were excited about the Vision Data systems when we purchased them, but are even more excited now. The new systems are not only improving our efficiency and the quality of our business processes, but more importantly, they are giving our staff a new sense of professionalism and pride in our company.”
Willimantic, CT - A long-time Vision Data software user, The Chronicle (9,750 daily) is replacing their 10+ year old Vision Data software systems for both Classified and Display Advertising with the graphical Vision Total Advertising system, which will combine both of the old advertising functions into a single SQL relational database. They have also purchased a new Sun Solaris server to manage the system. Kevin Crosbie, publisher of The Chronicle, commented on his purchase of the new system that “it’s nice to have such reliability in a product in this day and age, that you only need to replace it once every 12 – 15 years.” Along with the new software for their print product, The Chronicle has also purchased the Vision HomeLink, allowing online subscribers and print customers to place ads directly from the newspaper’s website.
Harrisonburg, VA – Byrd Newspapers, Harrisonburg, Virginia, an existing Vision Data customer for several years, has purchased a new, larger, high speed Sun Microsystems server for the Daily News Record (32,000 daily) in Harrisonburg and to run their sister newspapers in Winchester and Front Royal, Virginia. The Winchester (VA) Star (21,500 daily) and the Warren Sentinel in Front Royal, Virginia both have purchased the Vision Data Circulation Management system and will be running them remotely from of the server in Harrisonburg.
About Vision Data - Vision Data Equipment Corp. offers advertising, sales management/CRM, circulation management, online marketing, pagination, retail layout and ad tracking solutions for media groups including Pioneer News Group, Shaw Media, Community Newspaper Holdings Inc and Community Newspapers Inc. With more than 3,000 local newspaper publications relying on its solutions, Vision Data offers self hosted, SaaS and IaaS solutions designed to meet each newspapers budget. Their motto – Strong Accounting Driving Marketing provides the platform of quality accounting systems designed to increase market share and streamline overhead. Visit our web site at |